R.I.P. Jo-Jo

Today I had to have Jo-jo put to sleep. She had a good, long life but recently she had been feeling more than her share of aches and pains. She stopped eating more than a bite or two of food this weekend, and had trouble keeping even that small amount down. She went quietly at the vet's office without any suffering. I, on the other hand, am feeling the intense loss of a close friend and companion, as one might expect. The beagles, of course, don't realize that anything has changed and are going about their life of leisure. I hope they understand that they are not allowed to die (or even get seriously sick) any time soon!!
Oooooh, poor Ju-ju Bee.
Our thoughts are with you, chickadee. Long distance hug!
We'll all miss her so much. I don't think I've ever met a sweeter dog. Lots of hugs and sympathy to you!
Sorry, she was such a nice dog and we'll miss her.
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