Friday, March 28, 2008

Extra! Extra! Musical Extravaganza!

Our parish elementary school is performing the musical "Newsies" on April 18. Matthew is starring in the role of Bryan Denton, the principled reporter who helps the newsboys take on Joseph Pullitzer and the New York City establishment.

The school production will be a musical-review type show featuring mainly ensemble dance routines, a few individual numbers, and enough dialogue to hold the whole thing together. The cast is split between older students, who form one ensemble and have all the speaking roles, and younger students who form a separate dance ensemble. Matthew's part brings a minor speaking role, a spot in all of the older ensemble routines, and a special appearance in the "King of New York" number performed by the yournger ensemble.

This is Matthew's first appearance on the stage in a production of this magnitude. He previously appeared in the 2006 talent show playing Au Clair de la Lune on the flute.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Another Hasper Blog?

I logged in to see if there were any new posts since the last time I went on, which has been a few months, and when I typed in hasper-family in the web address, I forgot to put in the dash, and another Hasper Family Blog appeared. On the main page there is a picture of a Curt Hasper in a military uniform from WW2. Just wondering if this is any relation?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Labor Day Cookout

What: Labor Day Weekend: Hiking, Kayaking and a Cookout
When: Saturday, September 1, 2007
Noon for hiking and kayaking
4 PM for cookout
Where: Lynda’s house and Speedwell Forge Park
Lititz, PA

Enjoy the last weekend of the summer (without fighting the crowds in the state parks or at the beaches)! We will meet at noon at my home in historic Lititz and leave for Speedwell Forge by 12:30. Once at Speedwell, you can hike, kayak or both (there will be extra kayaks if you do not have one). We will then return to my house around 4 pm for a cookout.

For the cookout, please bring a dish to share and a beverage of your choice. Lynda and Marie will provide hot dogs and hamburgers. S’mores may also make an appearance! Backyard games (croquet, bocce, ladder golf, etc) will be available; please feel free to bring your favorite game from your collection to add to the fun!

Based on your schedule, you may attend for the visit to Speedwell Forge, the cookout or both. You and your guests are welcome!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Parlez-vous français?

Andrew doesn't volunteer much about what happens at school.

Me: "How was your day?"
Andrew: "Pretty good." -- This is not just a typical response. It is his invariable response.
"Did you do anything interesting?"
"Just the usual."

So we were completely baffled when Dave got an email from his French teacher that read, "The award ceremony is tomorrow night in Passaic." Passaic (NJ) is not that close and we already had other plans for the evening so there was no way we could go, but I still wanted to know what it was about.

Me: "Andrew, do you know what this is about?"
Andrew: "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that we took some kind of national French exam a couple months ago."
"And ... ?"
"Well, they announced at school a few days ago that me and some other girl scored in the top 5 students for New Jersey."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I just forgot."

I felt terribly deprived of a good opportunity to swell up with maternal pride. But at least I can brag to you folks about it! (Thank you for your tolerance.)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Come One, Come All!

We are having a cookout on Saturday, Aug. 18. Everyone is invited. Official start time is 3:00 pm -- but earlybirds are welcome! (and latebirds, too!)

Saturday, July 28, 2007 (Online Family Tree)

I've started a family tree on Feel free to add on, edit, etc. as much as you like. (It's a wiki-tree, you might say,) You don't need to stick to just Haspers.

A word of advice: One of the first things you'll want to do is edit your user Settings so that they don't email you a hundred times a week (every time someone adds a comma to their profile -- unless that's what you want, of course!). The default settings can be very annoying.



Sunday, July 22, 2007

National Endowment for the Humanities Grant

This spring I won a mini-grant from the NEH to provide instructional materials for my art classes. This fall I'll receive 40 poster-size images of American artworks, from the pre-Columbian era forward, plus a teacher's guide.

It's not a very big award, but it'll be a big help. It's been frustrating at times, with art history being a required part of the curriculum, to not have any examples to show students what I'm talking about.

This was the second time I applied for a grant, but the first I've ever won.