Extra! Extra! Musical Extravaganza!
Our parish elementary school is performing the musical "Newsies" on April 18. Matthew is starring in the role of Bryan Denton, the principled reporter who helps the newsboys take on Joseph Pullitzer and the New York City establishment.The school production will be a musical-review type show featuring mainly ensemble dance routines, a few individual numbers, and enough dialogue to hold the whole thing together. The cast is split between older students, who form one ensemble and have all the speaking roles, and younger students who form a separate dance ensemble. Matthew's part brings a minor speaking role, a spot in all of the older ensemble routines, and a special appearance in the "King of New York" number performed by the yournger ensemble.
This is Matthew's first appearance on the stage in a production of this magnitude. He previously appeared in the 2006 talent show playing Au Clair de la Lune on the flute.